Methods ======= Methods are called on a datepicker by calling the ``datepicker`` function with a string first argument, followed by any arguments the method takes :: $('.datepicker').datepicker('method', arg1, arg2); destroy ------- Arguments: None Remove the datepicker. Removes attached events, internal attached objects, and added HTML elements. *Alias: remove* show ---- Arguments: None Show the picker. hide ---- Arguments: None Hide the picker. update ------ Arguments: * date (String|Date|Array, optional) * date (String|Date, optional) * ... Update the datepicker with given arguments or the current input value. The arguments can be either an array of strings, an array of Date objects, multiples strings or multiples Date objects. If ``date`` arguments are provided and they are Date objects, it is assumed to be "local" Date objects, and will be converted to UTC for internal use. :: $('.datepicker').datepicker('update'); $('.datepicker').datepicker('update', '2011-03-05'); $('.datepicker').datepicker('update', '2011-03-05', '2011-03-07'); $('.datepicker').datepicker('update', new Date(2011, 2, 5)); $('.datepicker').datepicker('update', [new Date(2011, 2, 5), new Date(2011, 2, 7)]); To reset the datepicker and clear the selected date, pass an empty string with ``update``: :: $('.datepicker').datepicker('update', ''); setDate ------- Arguments: * date (Date) Sets the internal date. ``date`` is assumed to be a "local" date object, and will be converted to UTC for internal use. setUTCDate ---------- Arguments: * date (Date) Sets the internal date. ``date`` is assumed to be a UTC date object, and will not be converted. setDates -------- Arguments: * date[, date[, ...]] (Date) or * [date[, date[, ...]]] (Array) Sets the internal date list; accepts multiple dates or a single array of dates as arguments. Each ``date`` is assumed to be a "local" date object, and will be converted to UTC for internal use. For use with multidate pickers. clearDates ---------- Arguments: None Clear dates. setUTCDates ----------- Arguments: * date[, date[, ...]] (Date) or * [date[, date[, ...]]] (Array) Sets the internal date list. Each ``date`` is assumed to be a UTC date object, and will not be converted. For use with multidate pickers. getDate ------- Arguments: None Returns a localized date object representing the internal date object of the first datepicker in the selection. For multidate pickers, returns the latest date selected. getUTCDate ---------- Arguments: None Returns the internal UTC date object, as-is and unconverted to local time, of the first datepicker in the selection. For multidate pickers, returns the latest date selected. getDates -------- Arguments: None Returns a list of localized date objects representing the internal date objects of the first datepicker in the selection. For use with multidate pickers. getUTCDates ----------- Arguments: None Returns the internal list of UTC date objects, as they are and unconverted to local time, of the first datepicker in the selection. For use with multidate pickers. getStartDate ------------ Arguments: None Returns the lower date limit on the datepicker. getEndDate ---------- Arguments: None Returns the upper date limit on the datepicker. setStartDate ------------ Arguments: * startDate (Date) Sets a new lower date limit on the datepicker. See :ref:`startDate` for valid values. Omit startDate (or provide an otherwise falsey value) to unset the limit. setEndDate ---------- Arguments: * endDate (Date) Sets a new upper date limit on the datepicker. See :ref:`endDate` for valid values. Omit endDate (or provide an otherwise falsey value) to unset the limit. setDatesDisabled ---------------- Arguments: * datesDisabled (String|Array) Sets the days that should be disabled. See :ref:`datesDisabled` for valid values. Omit datesDisabled (or provide an otherwise falsey value) to unset the disabled days. setDaysOfWeekDisabled --------------------- Arguments: * daysOfWeekDisabled (String|Array) Sets the days of week that should be disabled. See :ref:`daysOfWeekDisabled` for valid values. Omit daysOfWeekDisabled (or provide an otherwise falsey value) to unset the disabled days of week. setDaysOfWeekHighlighted ------------------------ Arguments: * daysOfWeekHighlighted (String|Array) Sets the days of week that should be highlighted. See :ref:`daysOfWeekHighlighted` for valid values. Omit daysOfWeekHighlighted (or provide an otherwise falsey value) to unset the highlighted days of week.