describe("'ticks_tooltip' Option tests", function() { var testSlider; var mouseEventArguments; beforeEach(function() { // Set up default set of mouse event arguments mouseEventArguments = [ 'mousemove', // type true, // canBubble true, // cancelable document, // view, 0, // detail 0, // screenX 0, // screenY undefined, // clientX undefined, // clientY, false, // ctrlKey false, // altKey false, // shiftKey false, // metaKey, 0, // button null // relatedTarget ]; }); describe("ticks_tooltip states", function() { it("should have the tooltip above the last hovered over element", function() { testSlider = new Slider(document.getElementById("testSlider1"), { ticks: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], ticks_positions: [0, 19, 29, 39, 49, 95, 100], step: 1, value: 4, ticks_tooltip: true, orientation: 'horizontal' }); mouseEventArguments[8] = testSlider.sliderElem.offsetTop; // clientY var mouse49 = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'); mouseEventArguments[7] = testSlider.ticks[4].offsetLeft + testSlider.sliderElem.offsetLeft; // clientX mouse49.initMouseEvent.apply(mouse49, mouseEventArguments); var mouse95 = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'); mouseEventArguments[7] = testSlider.ticks[5].offsetLeft + testSlider.sliderElem.offsetLeft; // clientX mouse95.initMouseEvent.apply(mouse95, mouseEventArguments); var mouse100 = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'); mouseEventArguments[7] = testSlider.ticks[6].offsetLeft + testSlider.sliderElem.offsetLeft; // clientX mouse100.initMouseEvent.apply(mouse100, mouseEventArguments); var mouseStart = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'); mouseEventArguments[7] = testSlider.ticks[0].offsetLeft + testSlider.sliderElem.offsetLeft; // clientX mouseStart.initMouseEvent.apply(mouseStart, mouseEventArguments); //Simulate random movements testSlider.mousedown(mouse49); testSlider.mousemove(mouse95); // FIXME: Use 'mouseup' event type testSlider.mouseup(mouse95); testSlider.mousedown(mouse49); testSlider.mousemove(mouse100); testSlider.mousemove(mouse95); testSlider.mousemove(mouse95); testSlider.mousemove(mouseStart); expect("0%"); }); }); describe("Always show the tooltip", function() { it("Should always display the tooltip after hovering over a tick", function(done) { testSlider = new Slider(document.getElementById("testSlider1"), { id: 'mySlider', min: 0, max: 10, step: 1, value: 1, ticks: [0, 5, 10], tooltip: 'always', ticks_tooltip: true, orientation: 'horizontal' }); var bigOffset = 100000; var isTooltipVisible = $('#mySlider').find('.tooltip.tooltip-main').hasClass('in'); expect(isTooltipVisible).toBe(true); var mouseenter = document.createEvent('MouseEvent'); mouseEventArguments[0] = 'mouseenter'; mouseEventArguments[7] = testSlider.ticks[1].offsetLeft + testSlider.sliderElem.offsetLeft; // clientX mouseenter.initMouseEvent.apply(mouseenter, mouseEventArguments); var mouseleave = document.createEvent('MouseEvent'); mouseEventArguments[0] = 'mouseleave'; mouseEventArguments[7] = testSlider.sliderElem.offsetLeft + bigOffset; mouseleave.initMouseEvent.apply(mouseleave, mouseEventArguments); testSlider.ticks[1].addEventListener('mouseleave', function() { isTooltipVisible = $('#mySlider').find('.tooltip.tooltip-main').hasClass('in'); expect(isTooltipVisible).toBe(true); done(); }); testSlider.ticks[1].dispatchEvent(mouseenter); testSlider.ticks[1].dispatchEvent(mouseleave); }); }); afterEach(function() { if(testSlider) { if(testSlider instanceof Slider) { testSlider.destroy(); } testSlider = null; } }); }); /** * The mouse navigation tests are based on the following slider properties: * * initial value: 3 or [3, 7] * ticks: [0, 3, 5, 7, 10] * step: 1 * * When the `ticks_tooltip` option is set to `true`, hovering over the ticks or handles * should show the tooltip above it with the value of the tick/handle. * * The test logic for sliders: * 1. Hover over the 1st tick * 2. Check if the tooltip is positioned correctly (left, top, right) * 3. Check if the tooltip should be showing * 4. Check if the tooltip contains the correct value * 5. Check if the slider value(s) haven't changed * */ describe("`ticks_tooltip: true` mouse navigation test cases", function() { var initialValue = 3; var initialRangeValues = [3, 7]; var tickValues = [0, 3, 5, 7, 10]; var stepValue = 1; var orientations = ['horizontal', 'vertical']; var reversed = [false, true]; var sliderTypes = ['single', 'range']; var rtl = [false, true]; var testCases = []; var mouseEventArguments; function calcMouseEventCoords(element) { var elementBB = element.getBoundingClientRect(); return { clientX: elementBB.left, clientY: }; } function createMouseEvent(type, clientX, clientY) { var mouseEvent = document.createEvent('MouseEvent'); mouseEventArguments[0] = type; mouseEventArguments[7] = clientX; mouseEventArguments[8] = clientY; mouseEvent.initMouseEvent.apply(mouseEvent, mouseEventArguments); return mouseEvent; } beforeEach(function() { // Set up default set of mouse event arguments mouseEventArguments = [ 'mousemove', // type true, // canBubble true, // cancelable document, // view, 0, // detail 0, // screenX 0, // screenY undefined, // clientX undefined, // clientY, false, // ctrlKey false, // altKey false, // shiftKey false, // metaKey, 0, // button null // relatedTarget ]; }); sliderTypes.forEach(function(sliderType) { orientations.forEach(function(orientation) { rtl.forEach(function(isRTL) { reversed.forEach(function(isReversed) { var isHorizontal = orientation === 'horizontal'; var isVertical = orientation === 'vertical'; var isRange = sliderType === 'range'; var whichStyle; if (isHorizontal) { if (isRTL) { whichStyle = 'right'; } else { whichStyle = 'left'; } } else if (isVertical) { whichStyle = 'top'; } testCases.push({ value: isRange ? initialRangeValues : initialValue, step: stepValue, range: isRange, orientation: orientation, reversed: isReversed, rtl: 'auto', isRTL: isRTL, inputId: isRTL ? 'rtlSlider' : 'testSlider1', expectedValue: isRange ? initialRangeValues : initialValue, stylePos: whichStyle }); }); }); }); }); testCases.forEach(function(testCase) { describe("range=" + testCase.range + ", orientation=" + testCase.orientation + ", rtl=" + testCase.isRTL + ", reversed=" + testCase.reversed, function() { var $testSlider; var sliderElem; var $handle1; var $handle2; var $ticks; var sliderId; var sliderOptions; var $tooltip; var $tooltipInner; var lastTickIndex; var mouseEventType = 'mouseenter'; beforeEach(function() { sliderId = testCase.range ? 'myRangeSlider' : 'mySlider'; sliderOptions = { id: sliderId, step: testCase.step, orientation: testCase.orientation, value: testCase.value, range: testCase.range, reversed: testCase.reversed, rtl: 'auto', ticks: tickValues, ticks_tooltip: true }; $testSlider = $('#'+testCase.inputId).slider(sliderOptions); sliderElem = $('#'+sliderId)[0]; $ticks = $(sliderElem).find('.slider-tick'); $handle1 = $(sliderElem).find('.slider-handle:first'); $handle2 = $(sliderElem).find('.slider-handle:last'); $tooltip = $(sliderElem).find('.tooltip.tooltip-main'); $tooltipInner = $tooltip.find('.tooltip-inner'); lastTickIndex = sliderOptions.ticks.length - 1; }); afterEach(function() { // Clean up any associated event listeners $ticks = null; $handle1 = null; $handle2 = null; if ($testSlider) { $testSlider.slider('destroy'); $testSlider = null; } }); it("Should position the tooltip correctly", function(done) { $ticks.each(function(index, tickElem) { var coords = calcMouseEventCoords(tickElem); var tickCallback = function() { // Check position expect($tooltip.css(testCase.stylePos)).toBe($(this).css(testCase.stylePos)); if (index === lastTickIndex) { done(); } }; // Set up listener and dispatch event this.addEventListener(mouseEventType, tickCallback, false); this.dispatchEvent(createMouseEvent(mouseEventType, coords.clientX, coords.clientY)); }); }); it("Should show the tooltip", function(done) { $ticks.each(function(index, tickElem) { var coords = calcMouseEventCoords(tickElem); var tickCallback = function() { // Check that tooltip shows expect($tooltip.hasClass('in')).toBe(true); if (index === lastTickIndex) { done(); } }; this.addEventListener(mouseEventType, tickCallback, false); this.dispatchEvent(createMouseEvent(mouseEventType, coords.clientX, coords.clientY)); }); }); it("Should not show the tooltip", function(done) { var bigOffset = 100000; $ticks.each(function(index, tickElem) { var coords = calcMouseEventCoords(tickElem); var tickCallback = function() { // Check that tooltip shows expect($tooltip.hasClass('in')).toBe(false); if (index === lastTickIndex) { done(); } }; this.addEventListener('mouseleave', tickCallback, false); this.dispatchEvent(createMouseEvent('mouseleave', coords.clientX + bigOffset, coords.clientY)); }); }); it("Should contain the correct value for the tooltip", function(done) { $ticks.each(function(index, tickElem) { var coords = calcMouseEventCoords(tickElem); var tickCallback = function() { // Check value of tooltip expect($tooltipInner.text()).toBe(''+sliderOptions.ticks[index]); if (index === lastTickIndex) { done(); } }; this.addEventListener(mouseEventType, tickCallback, false); this.dispatchEvent(createMouseEvent(mouseEventType, coords.clientX, coords.clientY)); }); }); it("Should not modify the value(s) of the slider when displaying the tooltip", function(done) { $ticks.each(function(index, tickElem) { var coords = calcMouseEventCoords(tickElem); var tickCallback = function() { var value = $testSlider.slider('getValue'); // Check value of slider expect(value).toEqual(testCase.expectedValue); if (index === lastTickIndex) { done(); } }; this.addEventListener(mouseEventType, tickCallback, false); this.dispatchEvent(createMouseEvent(mouseEventType, coords.clientX, coords.clientY)); }); }); describe("Test position and values of the tooltip when hovering over the handle(s)", function() { if (testCase.range) { it("Should position for the tooltip correctly (range)", function(done) { var handleElems = [$handle1[0], $handle2[0]]; $.each(handleElems, function(index, handleElem) { var coords = calcMouseEventCoords(handleElem, testCase.orientation); var handleCallback = function() { // Check position expect($tooltip.css(testCase.stylePos)).toBe($(handleElem).css(testCase.stylePos)); if (index === 1) { done(); } }; handleElem.addEventListener(mouseEventType, handleCallback, false); handleElem.dispatchEvent(createMouseEvent(mouseEventType, coords.clientX, coords.clientY)); }); }); it("Should contain the correct values for the tooltip (range)", function(done) { var handleElems = [$handle1[0], $handle2[0]]; $.each(handleElems, function(index, handleElem) { var coords = calcMouseEventCoords(handleElem, testCase.orientation); var handleCallback = function() { // Check value of tooltip expect($tooltipInner.text()).toBe(''+testCase.expectedValue[index]); if (index === 1) { done(); } }; handleElem.addEventListener(mouseEventType, handleCallback, false); handleElem.dispatchEvent(createMouseEvent(mouseEventType, coords.clientX, coords.clientY)); }); }); } else { it("Should position for the tooltip correctly (single)", function(done) { var handleElem = $handle1[0]; var coords = calcMouseEventCoords(handleElem, testCase.orientation); var handleCallback = function() { // Check position expect($tooltip.css(testCase.stylePos)).toBe($(handleElem).css(testCase.stylePos)); done(); }; handleElem.addEventListener(mouseEventType, handleCallback, false); handleElem.dispatchEvent(createMouseEvent(mouseEventType, coords.clientX, coords.clientY)); }); it("Should contain the correct value for the tooltip (single)", function(done) { var handleElem = $handle1[0]; var coords = calcMouseEventCoords(handleElem, testCase.orientation); var handleCallback = function() { // Check value of tooltip expect($tooltipInner.text()).toBe(''+testCase.expectedValue); done(); }; handleElem.addEventListener(mouseEventType, handleCallback, false); handleElem.dispatchEvent(createMouseEvent(mouseEventType, coords.clientX, coords.clientY)); }); } }); }); }); });