/*! * Bootstrap's Gruntfile * https://getbootstrap.com/ * Copyright 2013-2019 Twitter, Inc. * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE) */ module.exports = function (grunt) { 'use strict'; // Force use of Unix newlines grunt.util.linefeed = '\n'; RegExp.quote = function (string) { return string.replace(/[-\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&'); }; var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var generateGlyphiconsData = require('./grunt/bs-glyphicons-data-generator.js'); var BsLessdocParser = require('./grunt/bs-lessdoc-parser.js'); var getLessVarsData = function () { var filePath = path.join(__dirname, 'less/variables.less'); var fileContent = fs.readFileSync(filePath, { encoding: 'utf8' }); var parser = new BsLessdocParser(fileContent); return { sections: parser.parseFile() }; }; var generateRawFiles = require('./grunt/bs-raw-files-generator.js'); var generateCommonJSModule = require('./grunt/bs-commonjs-generator.js'); var configBridge = grunt.file.readJSON('./grunt/configBridge.json', { encoding: 'utf8' }); Object.keys(configBridge.paths).forEach(function (key) { configBridge.paths[key].forEach(function (val, i, arr) { arr[i] = path.join('./docs/vector', val); }); }); // Project configuration. grunt.initConfig({ // Metadata. pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'), banner: '/*!\n' + ' * Bootstrap v<%= pkg.version %> (<%= pkg.homepage %>)\n' + ' * Copyright 2011-<%= grunt.template.today("yyyy") %> <%= pkg.author %>\n' + ' * Licensed under the <%= pkg.license %> license\n' + ' */\n', jqueryCheck: configBridge.config.jqueryCheck.join('\n'), jqueryVersionCheck: configBridge.config.jqueryVersionCheck.join('\n'), // Task configuration. clean: { dist: 'dist', docs: 'docs/dist' }, jshint: { options: { jshintrc: 'js/.jshintrc' }, grunt: { options: { jshintrc: 'grunt/.jshintrc' }, src: ['Gruntfile.js', 'package.js', 'grunt/*.js'] }, core: { src: 'js/*.js' }, test: { options: { jshintrc: 'js/tests/unit/.jshintrc' }, src: 'js/tests/unit/*.js' }, assets: { src: ['docs/vector/js/src/*.js', 'docs/vector/js/*.js', '!docs/vector/js/*.min.js'] } }, jscs: { options: { config: 'js/.jscsrc' }, grunt: { src: '<%= jshint.grunt.src %>' }, core: { src: '<%= jshint.core.src %>' }, test: { src: '<%= jshint.test.src %>' }, assets: { options: { requireCamelCaseOrUpperCaseIdentifiers: null }, src: '<%= jshint.vector.src %>' } }, concat: { options: { banner: '<%= banner %>\n<%= jqueryCheck %>\n<%= jqueryVersionCheck %>', stripBanners: false }, core: { src: [ 'js/transition.js', 'js/alert.js', 'js/button.js', 'js/carousel.js', 'js/collapse.js', 'js/dropdown.js', 'js/modal.js', 'js/tooltip.js', 'js/popover.js', 'js/scrollspy.js', 'js/tab.js', 'js/affix.js' ], dest: 'dist/js/<%= pkg.name %>.js' } }, uglify: { options: { compress: true, mangle: true, ie8: true, output: { comments: /^!|@preserve|@license|@cc_on/i } }, core: { src: '<%= concat.core.dest %>', dest: 'dist/js/<%= pkg.name %>.min.js' }, customize: { src: configBridge.paths.customizerJs, dest: 'docs/vector/js/customize.min.js' }, docs: { src: configBridge.paths.docsJs, dest: 'docs/vector/js/docs.min.js' } }, less: { options: { ieCompat: true, strictMath: true, sourceMap: true, outputSourceFiles: true }, core: { options: { sourceMapURL: '<%= pkg.name %>.css.map', sourceMapFilename: 'dist/css/<%= pkg.name %>.css.map' }, src: 'less/bootstrap.less', dest: 'dist/css/<%= pkg.name %>.css' }, theme: { options: { sourceMapURL: '<%= pkg.name %>-theme.css.map', sourceMapFilename: 'dist/css/<%= pkg.name %>-theme.css.map' }, src: 'less/theme.less', dest: 'dist/css/<%= pkg.name %>-theme.css' }, docs: { options: { sourceMapURL: 'docs.css.map', sourceMapFilename: 'docs/vector/css/docs.css.map' }, src: 'docs/vector/less/docs.less', dest: 'docs/vector/css/docs.css' }, docsIe: { options: { sourceMap: false }, src: 'docs/vector/less/ie10-viewport-bug-workaround.less', dest: 'docs/vector/css/ie10-viewport-bug-workaround.css' } }, postcss: { options: { map: { inline: false, sourcesContent: true }, processors: [ require('autoprefixer')(configBridge.config.autoprefixer) ] }, core: { src: 'dist/css/<%= pkg.name %>.css' }, theme: { src: 'dist/css/<%= pkg.name %>-theme.css' }, docs: { src: 'docs/vector/css/docs.css' }, examples: { options: { map: false }, expand: true, cwd: 'docs/examples/', src: ['**/*.css'], dest: 'docs/examples/' } }, stylelint: { options: { configFile: 'grunt/.stylelintrc', reportNeedlessDisables: false }, dist: [ 'less/**/*.less' ], docs: [ 'docs/vector/less/**/*.less' ], examples: [ 'docs/examples/**/*.css' ] }, cssmin: { options: { compatibility: 'ie8', sourceMap: true, sourceMapInlineSources: true, level: { 1: { specialComments: 'all' } } }, core: { src: 'dist/css/<%= pkg.name %>.css', dest: 'dist/css/<%= pkg.name %>.min.css' }, theme: { src: 'dist/css/<%= pkg.name %>-theme.css', dest: 'dist/css/<%= pkg.name %>-theme.min.css' }, docs: { src: 'docs/vector/css/docs.css', dest: 'docs/vector/css/docs.min.css' } }, copy: { fonts: { expand: true, src: 'fonts/**', dest: 'dist/' }, docs: { expand: true, cwd: 'dist/', src: [ '**/*' ], dest: 'docs/dist/' } }, connect: { server: { options: { port: 3000, base: '.' } } }, jekyll: { options: { bundleExec: true, config: '_config.yml', incremental: false }, docs: {}, github: { options: { raw: 'github: true' } } }, pug: { options: { pretty: true, data: getLessVarsData }, customizerVars: { src: 'docs/_pug/customizer-variables.pug', dest: 'docs/_includes/customizer-variables.html' }, customizerNav: { src: 'docs/_pug/customizer-nav.pug', dest: 'docs/_includes/nav/customize.html' } }, htmllint: { options: { ignore: [ 'Element "img" is missing required attribute "src".' ], noLangDetect: true }, src: ['_gh_pages/**/*.html', 'js/tests/**/*.html'] }, watch: { src: { files: '<%= jshint.core.src %>', tasks: ['jshint:core', 'exec:karma', 'concat'] }, test: { files: '<%= jshint.test.src %>', tasks: ['jshint:test', 'exec:karma'] }, less: { files: 'less/**/*.less', tasks: ['less', 'copy'] }, docs: { files: 'docs/vector/less/**/*.less', tasks: ['less'] } }, exec: { browserstack: { command: 'cross-env BROWSER=true karma start grunt/karma.conf.js' }, karma: { command: 'karma start grunt/karma.conf.js' } } }); // These plugins provide necessary tasks. require('load-grunt-tasks')(grunt, { scope: 'devDependencies' }); require('time-grunt')(grunt); // Docs HTML validation task grunt.registerTask('validate-html', ['jekyll:docs', 'htmllint']); var runSubset = function (subset) { return !process.env.TWBS_TEST || process.env.TWBS_TEST === subset; }; var isUndefOrNonZero = function (val) { return typeof val === 'undefined' || val !== '0'; }; // Test task. var testSubtasks = []; // Skip core tests if running a different subset of the test suite if (runSubset('core')) { testSubtasks = testSubtasks.concat(['dist-css', 'dist-js', 'stylelint:dist', 'test-js', 'docs']); } // Skip HTML validation if running a different subset of the test suite if (runSubset('validate-html') && // Skip HTML5 validator on Travis when [skip validator] is in the commit message isUndefOrNonZero(process.env.TWBS_DO_VALIDATOR)) { testSubtasks.push('validate-html'); } // Only run BrowserStack tests if there's a BrowserStack access key if (typeof process.env.BROWSER_STACK_USERNAME !== 'undefined' && // Skip BrowserStack if running a different subset of the test suite runSubset('browserstack') && // Skip BrowserStack on Travis when [skip browserstack] is in the commit message isUndefOrNonZero(process.env.TWBS_DO_BROWSERSTACK)) { testSubtasks.push('exec:browserstack'); } grunt.registerTask('test', testSubtasks); grunt.registerTask('test-js', ['jshint:core', 'jshint:test', 'jshint:grunt', 'jscs:core', 'jscs:test', 'jscs:grunt', 'exec:karma']); // JS distribution task. grunt.registerTask('dist-js', ['concat', 'uglify:core', 'commonjs']); // CSS distribution task. grunt.registerTask('dist-css', ['less:core', 'less:theme', 'postcss:core', 'postcss:theme', 'cssmin:core', 'cssmin:theme']); // Full distribution task. grunt.registerTask('dist', ['clean:dist', 'dist-css', 'copy:fonts', 'dist-js']); // Default task. grunt.registerTask('default', ['clean:dist', 'copy:fonts', 'test']); grunt.registerTask('build-glyphicons-data', function () { generateGlyphiconsData.call(this, grunt); }); // task for building customizer grunt.registerTask('build-customizer', ['build-customizer-html', 'build-raw-files']); grunt.registerTask('build-customizer-html', 'pug'); grunt.registerTask('build-raw-files', 'Add scripts/less files to customizer.', function () { var banner = grunt.template.process('<%= banner %>'); generateRawFiles(grunt, banner); }); grunt.registerTask('commonjs', 'Generate CommonJS entrypoint module in dist dir.', function () { var srcFiles = grunt.config.get('concat.core.src'); var destFilepath = 'dist/js/npm.js'; generateCommonJSModule(grunt, srcFiles, destFilepath); }); // Docs task. grunt.registerTask('docs-css', ['less:docs', 'less:docsIe', 'postcss:docs', 'postcss:examples', 'cssmin:docs']); grunt.registerTask('lint-docs-css', ['stylelint:docs', 'stylelint:examples']); grunt.registerTask('docs-js', ['uglify:docs', 'uglify:customize']); grunt.registerTask('lint-docs-js', ['jshint:vector', 'jscs:vector']); grunt.registerTask('docs', ['docs-css', 'lint-docs-css', 'docs-js', 'lint-docs-js', 'clean:docs', 'copy:docs', 'build-glyphicons-data', 'build-customizer']); grunt.registerTask('prep-release', ['dist', 'docs', 'jekyll:github']); };