describe("Event Tests", function() { var testSlider, flag, mouse; var sliderElem; beforeEach(function() { flag = false; mouse = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'); }); describe("JQuery version", function() { beforeEach(function() { testSlider = $("#testSlider2").slider({ value: 1 }); sliderElem = testSlider.slider('getElement'); }); afterEach(function() { if(testSlider) { testSlider.slider('destroy'); testSlider = null; } sliderElem = null; }); describe("Mouse Events", function() { var spy; beforeEach(function() { spy = jasmine.createSpy('spy'); }); it("'slideStart' event is triggered properly and can be binded to", function(done) { testSlider.on('slideStart', spy);'slider')._mousedown(mouse); setTimeout(function() { expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }); }); it("'slide' event is triggered properly and can be binded to", function(done) { testSlider.on('slide', spy);'slider')._mousemove(mouse); setTimeout(function() { expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }); }); it("'slide' event sets the right value on the input", function(done) { testSlider.on('slide', function() { expect(isNaN(testSlider.val())).not.toBeTruthy(); done(); });'slider')._mousemove(mouse); }); it("'slide' event value and input value properties are synchronous", function() { testSlider.on('slide', function(e) { expect(e.value.toString()).toEqual(this.value); }); testSlider.slider("setValue", 3, true, false); }); it("'change' event value and input value properties are synchronous", function() { testSlider.on('change', function(e) { expect(e.value.newValue.toString()).toEqual(testSlider.val()); }); testSlider.slider("setValue", 3, false, true); }); it("'slideStop' event is triggered properly and can be binded to", function(done) { testSlider.on('slideStop', spy);'slider')._mouseup(mouse); setTimeout(function() { expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }); }); it("slider should not have duplicate events after calling 'refresh'", function(done) { var numTimesFired = 0; var obj = { addOne: function() { numTimesFired++; } }; spyOn(obj, 'addOne').and.callThrough(); testSlider.on('slideStop', obj.addOne); testSlider.slider('refresh');'slider')._mouseup(mouse); setTimeout(function() { expect(numTimesFired).toBe(1); expect(obj.addOne.calls.count()).toBe(1); done(); }); }); describe("Disabled Slider Event Tests", function() { var spy; beforeEach(function() { testSlider.slider('disable'); spy = jasmine.createSpy('spy'); }); it("should not trigger 'slideStart' event when disabled", function(done) { testSlider.on('slideStart', spy);'slider')._mousedown(mouse); window.setTimeout(function() { expect(spy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }); }); it("should not trigger 'slide' event when disabled", function(done) { testSlider.on('slide', spy);'slider')._mousemove(mouse); window.setTimeout(function() { expect(spy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }); }); it("should not trigger 'slideStop' event when disabled", function(done) { testSlider.on('slideStop', spy);'slider')._mouseup(mouse); window.setTimeout(function() { expect(spy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }); }); }); }); describe("Touch Events", function() { var touch; var spy; var coords; var touchStart; var touchMove; var touchEnd; /* list can be either [[x, y], [x, y]] or [x, y] */ function createTouchList(target, list) { if (Array.isArray(list) && list[0] && !Array.isArray(list[0])) { list = [list]; } list = (entry, index) { var x = entry[0], y = entry[1], id = entry[2] ? entry[2] : index + 1; return createTouch(x, y, target, id); }); return document.createTouchList.apply(document, list); } function createTouch(x, y, target, id) { return document.createTouch(window, target, id || 1, //identifier x, //pageX / clientX y, //pageY / clientY x, //screenX y //screenY ); } function initTouchEvent(touchEvent, type, touches) { var touch1 = touches[0]; return touchEvent.initTouchEvent( touches, //touches touches, //targetTouches touches, //changedTouches type, //type window, //view touch1.screenX, //screenX touch1.screenY, //screenY touch1.clientX, //clientX touch1.clientY, //clientY false, //ctrlKey false, //altKey false, //shiftKey false //metaKey ); } function createTouchEvent(elem, type, touches) { var touchEvent = document.createEvent('TouchEvent'); if (Array.isArray(touches)) { touches = createTouchList(elem, touches); } initTouchEvent(touchEvent, type, touches); return touchEvent; } function calcTouchEventCoords(element) { var elementBB = element.getBoundingClientRect(); return { clientX: elementBB.left, clientY: }; } beforeEach(function() { touch = document.createEvent('Event'); var dummyTouchEvent = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'); touch.touches = [dummyTouchEvent]; window.ontouchstart = true; spy = jasmine.createSpy('spy'); coords = calcTouchEventCoords(sliderElem); touchStart = createTouchEvent(sliderElem, 'touchstart', [coords.clientX, coords.clientY]); touchMove = createTouchEvent(sliderElem, 'touchmove', [coords.clientX, coords.clientY]); touchEnd = createTouchEvent(sliderElem, 'touchend', [[0, 0]]); }); afterEach(function() { window.ontouchstart = null; }); it("'slideStart' event is triggered properly and can be binded to", function(done) { testSlider.on('slideStart', spy); window.setTimeout(function() { expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }); sliderElem.dispatchEvent(touchStart); sliderElem.dispatchEvent(touchEnd); }); it("'slide' event is triggered properly and can be binded to", function(done) { testSlider.on('slide', spy); window.setTimeout(function() { expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }); // Expect to fail if ONLY dispatching 'touchmove' because `preventDefault()` will prevent // the browser from sending the corresponding 'mousemove'. // The 'mousedown' event must happen first via 'touchstart'. sliderElem.dispatchEvent(touchStart); sliderElem.dispatchEvent(touchMove); // Always call 'touchend' to remove any touch event listeners on the document. sliderElem.dispatchEvent(touchEnd); }); it("'slide' event sets the right value on the input", function(done) { testSlider.on('slide', function() { expect(isNaN(testSlider.val())).not.toBeTruthy(); done(); }); sliderElem.dispatchEvent(touchStart); sliderElem.dispatchEvent(touchMove); sliderElem.dispatchEvent(touchEnd); }); it("'slide' event value and input value properties are synchronous", function() { testSlider.on('slide', function(e) { expect(e.value.toString()).toEqual(testSlider.val()); }); testSlider.slider("setValue", 3, true, false); }); it("'change' event value and input value properties are synchronous", function() { testSlider.on('change', function(e) { expect(e.value.newValue.toString()).toEqual(testSlider.val()); }); testSlider.slider("setValue", 3, false, true); }); it("'slideStop' event is triggered properly and can be binded to", function(done) { testSlider.on('slideStop', spy); window.setTimeout(function() { expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }); sliderElem.dispatchEvent(touchStart); sliderElem.dispatchEvent(touchMove); sliderElem.dispatchEvent(touchEnd); }); it("slider should not have duplicate events after calling 'refresh'", function(done) { // FIXME: Should set `flag` to 0 and make sure spy is called only once testSlider.on('slideStop', spy); window.setTimeout(function() { expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }); sliderElem.dispatchEvent(touchStart); sliderElem.dispatchEvent(touchMove); sliderElem.dispatchEvent(touchEnd); testSlider.slider('refresh'); }); it("slider should not bind multiple touchstart events after calling 'refresh'", function(done) { flag = 0; var obj = { addOne: function() { flag++; } }; spyOn(obj, 'addOne').and.callThrough(); touch.initEvent("touchstart", true, true); testSlider.on('slideStart', obj.addOne); var handleElem = $('#testSlider2').prev('div.slider').find('.slider-handle:first').get(0); handleElem.dispatchEvent(touchStart); handleElem.dispatchEvent(touchMove); handleElem.dispatchEvent(touchEnd); testSlider.slider('refresh'); window.setTimeout(function() { expect(flag).toBe(1); expect(obj.addOne.calls.count()).toBe(1); done(); }); }); describe("Disabled Slider Event Tests", function() { var spy; beforeEach(function() { testSlider.slider('disable'); spy = jasmine.createSpy('spy'); }); it("should not trigger 'slideStart' event when disabled", function(done) { touch.initEvent("touchstart"); testSlider.on('slideStart', spy);'slider')._mousedown(touch); window.setTimeout(function() { expect(spy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }); }); it("should not trigger 'slide' event when disabled", function(done) { touch.initEvent("touchmove"); testSlider.on('slide', spy);'slider')._mousemove(touch); window.setTimeout(function() { expect(spy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }); }); it("should not trigger 'slideStop' event when disabled", function(done) { touch.initEvent("touchend"); testSlider.on('slideStop', spy);'slider')._mouseup(mouse); window.setTimeout(function() { expect(spy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }); }); }); }); describe("Enabled/Disabled tests", function() { var spy; beforeEach(function() { spy = jasmine.createSpy('spy'); }); it("'slideDisabled' event is triggered properly and can be binded to", function(done) { testSlider.on('slideDisabled', spy); testSlider.slider('disable'); window.setTimeout(function() { expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }); }); it("'slideDisabled' event is triggered properly and can be binded to", function(done) { testSlider.on('slideEnabled', spy); testSlider.slider('disable'); testSlider.slider('enable'); window.setTimeout(function() { expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }); }); it("'change' event is triggered properly and can be binded to", function(done) { testSlider.on('change', spy); testSlider.slider("setValue", 3, false, true); window.setTimeout(function() { expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }); }); }); }); // End of JQuery version tests describe("CommonJS version", function() { describe("Event repetition tests", function() { var testSlider, numTimesFired; var testObj; beforeEach(function() { testSlider = new Slider("#testSlider2"); numTimesFired = 0; testObj = { addOne: function() { numTimesFired++; } }; }); afterEach(function() { testSlider.destroy(); }); it("'slide' event is triggered only once per slide action", function(done) { spyOn(testObj, 'addOne').and.callThrough(); testSlider.on('slide', testObj.addOne); testSlider._mousemove(mouse); setTimeout(function() { expect(numTimesFired).toBe(1); expect(testObj.addOne.calls.count()).toBe(1); done(); }); }); it("'slideStart' event is triggered only once per slide action", function(done) { spyOn(testObj, 'addOne').and.callThrough(); testSlider.on('slideStart', testObj.addOne); testSlider._mousedown(mouse); setTimeout(function() { expect(numTimesFired).toBe(1); expect(testObj.addOne.calls.count()).toBe(1); done(); }); }); it("'slideStop' event is triggered only once per slide action", function(done) { spyOn(testObj, 'addOne').and.callThrough(); testSlider.on('slideStop', testObj.addOne); testSlider._mouseup(mouse); setTimeout(function() { expect(numTimesFired).toBe(1); expect(testObj.addOne.calls.count()).toBe(1); done(); }); }); it("'change' event is triggered only once per value change action", function(done) { spyOn(testObj, 'addOne').and.callThrough(); testSlider.on('change', testObj.addOne); testSlider.setValue(3, false, true); setTimeout(function() { expect(numTimesFired).toBe(1); expect(testObj.addOne.calls.count()).toBe(1); done(); }); }); }); }); // End of common JS tests }); // End of spec