diff --git a/awesome-php.md b/awesome-php.md index 6a901c1..f2a09d4 100644 --- a/awesome-php.md +++ b/awesome-php.md @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ A list of amazingly awesome PHP libraries that you should consider using (and so * [Silex](http://silex.sensiolabs.org/) - A micro framework built around Symfony2 components. * [Slim](http://www.slimframework.com/) - Another simple micro framework. * [Twig](http://twig.sensiolabs.org/) - A comprehensive templating language. +* [Mustache](https://packagist.org/packages/phly/mustache) - A PHP implementation of the Mustache template language. * [MtHaml](https://github.com/arnaud-lb/MtHaml) - A PHP implementation of the HAML template language. * [SwiftMailer](http://swiftmailer.org/) - A mailer solution. * [Pimple](http://pimple.sensiolabs.org/) - A tiny dependency injection container.