package main import ( "bytes" "" "os" "regexp" "sort" "strings" "testing" "" ) var ( reContainsLink = regexp.MustCompile(`\* \[.*\]\(.*\)`) reOnlyLink = regexp.MustCompile(`\* \[.*\]\([^()]*\)$`) reLinkWithDescription = regexp.MustCompile(`\* \[.*\]\(.*\) - \S.*[\.\!]`) ) func requireNoErr(t *testing.T, err error, msg string) { // FIXME: replace to t.Helper() if msg == "" { msg = "unknown error" } if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Received unexpected error [%s]: %+v", msg, err) } } func goqueryFromReadme(t *testing.T) *goquery.Document { t.Helper() input, err := os.ReadFile(readmePath) requireNoErr(t, err, "readme file should be exists") html, err := markdown.ToHTML(input) requireNoErr(t, err, "markdown should be rendered to html") buf := bytes.NewBuffer(html) doc, err := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(buf) requireNoErr(t, err, "html must be valid for goquery") return doc } func TestAlpha(t *testing.T) { doc := goqueryFromReadme(t) doc.Find("body > ul").Each(func(i int, s *goquery.Selection) { if i != 0 { // skip content menu // TODO: the sub items (with 3 hash marks `###`) are staying in // the main list, not respecting the hierarchy and making it // impossible to test the alphabetical order testList(t, s) } }) } func TestDuplicatedLinks(t *testing.T) { doc := goqueryFromReadme(t) links := make(map[string]bool, 0) doc.Find("body li > a:first-child").Each(func(_ int, s *goquery.Selection) { t.Run(s.Text(), func(t *testing.T) { href, ok := s.Attr("href") if !ok { t.Error("expected to have href") } if links[href] { t.Fatalf("duplicated link '%s'", href) } links[href] = true }) }) } // Test if an entry has description, it must be separated from link with ` - ` func TestSeparator(t *testing.T) { var matched, containsLink, noDescription bool input, err := os.ReadFile(readmePath) requireNoErr(t, err, "readme should be exists") lines := strings.Split(string(input), "\n") for _, line := range lines { line = strings.Trim(line, " ") containsLink = reContainsLink.MatchString(line) if containsLink { noDescription = reOnlyLink.MatchString(line) if noDescription { continue } matched = reLinkWithDescription.MatchString(line) if !matched { t.Errorf("expected entry to be in form of `* [link] - description.`, got '%s'", line) } } } } func TestRenderIndex(t *testing.T) { requireNoErr(t, mkdirAll(outDir), "output dir should exists") err := renderIndex(readmePath, outIndexFile) requireNoErr(t, err, "html should be rendered") } func testList(t *testing.T, list *goquery.Selection) { list.Find("ul").Each(func(_ int, items *goquery.Selection) { testList(t, items) items.RemoveFiltered("ul") }) t.Run(list.Prev().Text(), func(t *testing.T) { checkAlphabeticOrder(t, list) }) } func checkAlphabeticOrder(t *testing.T, s *goquery.Selection) { items := s.Find("li > a:first-child").Map(func(_ int, li *goquery.Selection) string { return strings.ToLower(li.Text()) }) sorted := make([]string, len(items)) copy(sorted, items) sort.Strings(sorted) for k, item := range items { if item != sorted[k] { t.Errorf("expected '%s' but actual is '%s'", sorted[k], item) } } if t.Failed() { t.Logf("expected order is:\n%s", strings.Join(sorted, "\n")) } }