diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 100244c0..929ad741 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1162,9 +1162,9 @@ See [go-hardware](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware) for a comprehensive lis * [amber](https://github.com/eknkc/amber) - Amber is an elegant templating engine for Go Programming Language It is inspired from HAML and Jade. * [damsel](https://github.com/dskinner/damsel) - Markup language featuring html outlining via css-selectors, extensible via pkg html/template and others. * [ego](https://github.com/benbjohnson/ego) - Lightweight templating language that lets you write templates in Go. Templates are translated into Go and compiled. +* [extemplate](https://github.com/dannyvankooten/extemplate) - Tiny wrapper around html/template to allow for easy file-based template inheritance. * [fasttemplate](https://github.com/valyala/fasttemplate) - Simple and fast template engine. Substitutes template placeholders up to 10x faster than [text/template](http://golang.org/pkg/text/template/). * [gofpdf](https://github.com/jung-kurt/gofpdf) - PDF document generator with high level support for text, drawing and images. -* [grender](https://github.com/dannyvankooten/grender) - small wrapper around html/template for file-based templates that support extending other template files. * [hero](https://github.com/shiyanhui/hero) - Hero is a handy, fast and powerful go template engine. * [jet](https://github.com/CloudyKit/jet) - Jet template engine. * [kasia.go](https://github.com/ziutek/kasia.go) - Templating system for HTML and other text documents - go implementation.