diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 89544aab..b2e02741 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -474,6 +474,7 @@ _Libraries for configuration parsing._ - [go-ini](https://github.com/subpop/go-ini) - A Go package that marshals and unmarshals INI-files. - [go-ssm-config](https://github.com/ianlopshire/go-ssm-config) - Go utility for loading configuration parameters from AWS SSM (Parameter Store). - [go-up](https://github.com/ufoscout/go-up) - A simple configuration library with recursive placeholders resolution and no magic. +- [GoCfg](https://github.com/Jagerente/gocfg) - Config manager with Struct Tags based contracts, custom value providers, parsers, and documentation generation. Customizable yet simple. - [goConfig](https://github.com/crgimenes/goConfig) - Parses a struct as input and populates the fields of this struct with parameters from command line, environment variables and configuration file. - [godotenv](https://github.com/joho/godotenv) - Go port of Ruby's dotenv library (Loads environment variables from `.env`). - [gofigure](https://github.com/ian-kent/gofigure) - Go application configuration made easy.