diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index da39ffaf..86a9a8ce 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -665,12 +665,12 @@ See [go-hardware](https://github.com/rakyll/go-hardware) for a comprehensive lis * [bayesian](https://github.com/jbrukh/bayesian) - Naive Bayesian Classification for Golang. * [CloudForest](https://github.com/ryanbressler/CloudForest) - Fast, flexible, multi-threaded ensembles of decision trees for machine learning in pure Go. +* [fonet](https://github.com/Fontinalis/fonet) - A Deep Neural Network library written in Go. * [gago](https://github.com/MaxHalford/gago) - Multi-population, flexible, parallel genetic algorithm. * [go-fann](https://github.com/white-pony/go-fann) - Go bindings for Fast Artificial Neural Networks(FANN) library. * [go-galib](https://github.com/thoj/go-galib) - Genetic Algorithms library written in Go / golang. * [go-pr](https://github.com/daviddengcn/go-pr) - Pattern recognition package in Go lang. * [gobrain](https://github.com/goml/gobrain) - Neural Networks written in go. -* [fonet](https://github.com/Fontinalis/fonet) - A Deep Neural Network library written in Go. * [godist](https://github.com/e-dard/godist) - Various probability distributions, and associated methods. * [goga](https://github.com/tomcraven/goga) - Genetic algorithm library for Go. * [GoLearn](https://github.com/sjwhitworth/golearn) - General Machine Learning library for Go.