diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 7065141b..426ec584 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -710,7 +710,6 @@ _Data stores with expiring records, in-memory distributed data stores, or in-mem - [migrate](https://github.com/golang-migrate/migrate) - Database migrations. CLI and Golang library. - [migrator](https://github.com/lopezator/migrator) - Dead simple Go database migration library. - [migrator](https://github.com/larapulse/migrator) - MySQL database migrator designed to run migrations to your features and manage database schema update with intuitive go code. -- [pravasan](https://github.com/pravasan/pravasan) - Simple Migration tool - currently for MySQL but planning to soon support Postgres, SQLite, MongoDB, etc. - [schema](https://github.com/adlio/schema) - Library to embed schema migrations for database/sql-compatible databases inside your Go binaries. - [skeema](https://github.com/skeema/skeema) - Pure-SQL schema management system for MySQL, with support for sharding and external online schema change tools. - [soda](https://github.com/gobuffalo/pop/tree/master/soda) - Database migration, creation, ORM, etc... for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite. @@ -728,7 +727,6 @@ _Data stores with expiring records, in-memory distributed data stores, or in-mem - [go-mysql-elasticsearch](https://github.com/siddontang/go-mysql-elasticsearch) - Sync your MySQL data into Elasticsearch automatically. - [hasql](https://golang.yandex/hasql) - Library for accessing multi-host SQL database installations. - [kingshard](https://github.com/flike/kingshard) - kingshard is a high performance proxy for MySQL powered by Golang. -- [myreplication](https://github.com/2tvenom/myreplication) - MySql binary log replication listener. Supports statement and row based replication. - [octillery](https://github.com/knocknote/octillery) - Go package for sharding databases ( Supports every ORM or raw SQL ). - [orchestrator](https://github.com/github/orchestrator) - MySQL replication topology manager & visualizer. - [pg_timetable](https://github.com/cybertec-postgresql/pg_timetable) - Advanced scheduling for PostgreSQL. @@ -1919,7 +1917,6 @@ _Libraries that implement Object-Relational Mapping or datamapping techniques._ - [cacheme](https://github.com/Yiling-J/cacheme-go) - Schema based, typed Redis caching/memoize framework for Go. - [ent](https://github.com/facebook/ent) - An entity framework for Go. Simple, yet powerful ORM for modeling and querying data. - [go-firestorm](https://github.com/jschoedt/go-firestorm) - A simple ORM for Google/Firebase Cloud Firestore. -- [go-queryset](https://github.com/jirfag/go-queryset) - 100% type-safe ORM with code generation and MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sqlite3, SQL Server support based on GORM. - [go-sql](https://github.com/rushteam/gosql) - A easy ORM for mysql. - [go-sqlbuilder](https://github.com/huandu/go-sqlbuilder) - A flexible and powerful SQL string builder library plus a zero-config ORM. - [go-store](https://github.com/gosuri/go-store) - Simple and fast Redis backed key-value store library for Go.