diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 1751c0d4..93552df2 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -3200,6 +3200,7 @@ _Source code analysis tools, also known as Static Application Security Testing ( - [Chronos](https://github.com/amit-davidson/Chronos) - Detects race conditions statically - [dupl](https://github.com/mibk/dupl) - Tool for code clone detection. - [errcheck](https://github.com/kisielk/errcheck) - Errcheck is a program for checking for unchecked errors in Go programs. +- [fatcontext](https://github.com/Crocmagnon/fatcontext) - Fatcontext detects nested contexts in loops or function literals. - [gcvis](https://github.com/davecheney/gcvis) - Visualise Go program GC trace data in real time. - [go-checkstyle](https://github.com/qiniu/checkstyle) - checkstyle is a style check tool like java checkstyle. This tool inspired by java checkstyle, golint. The style referred to some points in Go Code Review Comments. - [go-cleanarch](https://github.com/roblaszczak/go-cleanarch) - go-cleanarch was created to validate Clean Architecture rules, like a The Dependency Rule and interaction between packages in your Go projects.