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2020-06-04 11:01:38 +00:00
# Docker-OSX
2020-09-20 08:49:12 +00:00
## [Follow @sickcodes on Twitter](
2020-09-26 06:26:38 +00:00
### V2.6
# Features In Docker-OSX v2.6
2020-09-20 08:49:12 +00:00
- CI/CD weaponization thru vnc and xdotool
- X11 Forwarding
- SSH on localhost:50922
- VNC on localhost:8888 [vnc version is inside a separate directory](
- Create an ARMY using `docker commit`
- XFVB HEADLESS (use vnc)
2020-06-04 18:31:47 +00:00
![Running mac osx in a docker container](/running-mac-inside-docker-qemu.png?raw=true "OSX KVM DOCKER")
Run Mac in a Docker container! Run near native OSX-KVM in Docker! X11 Forwarding!
Author: Sick.Codes &
2020-06-04 18:38:52 +00:00
2020-09-20 08:49:12 +00:00
Based: && the great guy [@kholia](
Upstream Credits: OSX-KVM project among many others:
2020-06-04 18:31:47 +00:00
2020-06-04 22:58:42 +00:00
Docker Hub:
### Other cool Docker-QEMU based projects:
[Run iOS in a Docker with Docker-eyeOS]( - [](
2020-06-05 03:49:15 +00:00
Pull requests, suggestions very welcome!
2020-09-20 08:49:12 +00:00
2020-06-04 18:35:57 +00:00
2020-09-26 06:26:38 +00:00
docker pull sickcodes/docker-osx:latest
2020-06-04 18:35:57 +00:00
docker run --device /dev/kvm \
--device /dev/snd \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
-e "DISPLAY=${DISPLAY:-:0.0}" \
2020-06-04 18:35:57 +00:00
2020-06-04 21:10:05 +00:00
# press ctrl G if your mouse gets stuck
2020-06-05 04:11:30 +00:00
# scroll down to troubleshooting if you have problems
2020-06-05 03:49:15 +00:00
# need more RAM and SSH on localhost -p 50922?
2020-06-07 06:44:57 +00:00
2020-09-26 06:26:38 +00:00
docker run --device /dev/kvm \
-e "DISPLAY=${DISPLAY:-:0.0}" \
--device /dev/snd \
-e RAM=4 \
-p 50922:10022 \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
2020-06-15 13:07:37 +00:00
ssh fullname@localhost -p 50922
2020-06-07 06:44:57 +00:00
2020-06-04 21:10:05 +00:00
2020-06-05 01:57:01 +00:00
# Requirements: KVM on the host
2020-06-05 00:27:49 +00:00
Need to turn on hardware virtualization in your BIOS, very easy to do.
Then have QEMU on the host if you haven't already:
2020-09-20 08:49:12 +00:00
2020-06-05 00:27:49 +00:00
2020-09-20 08:49:12 +00:00
sudo pacman -S qemu libvirt dnsmasq virt-manager bridge-utils flex bison iptables-nft edk2-ovmf
2020-06-05 00:27:49 +00:00
sudo apt install qemu qemu-kvm libvirt-clients libvirt-daemon-system bridge-utils virt-manager
sudo yum install libvirt qemu-kvm -y
# then run
sudo systemctl enable libvirtd.service
sudo systemctl enable virtlogd.service
2020-06-05 00:27:49 +00:00
sudo modprobe kvm
# reboot
2020-10-03 23:36:12 +00:00
# How to Enable Network Forwarding
2020-10-03 23:36:12 +00:00
Allow ipv4 forwarding for bridged networking connections:
This is not required for LOCAL installations and may cause containers behind [VPN's to leak host IP](
If you are connecting to a REMOTE Docker-OSX, e.g. a "Mac Mini" in a datacenter, then this may boost networking:
# enable for current session
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
# OR
# sudo tee /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward <<< 1
# enable permanently
sudo touch /etc/sysctl.conf
sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf <<EOF
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
# OR edit manually
nano /etc/sysctl.conf || vi /etc/sysctl.conf || vim /etc/sysctl.conf
2020-06-05 00:27:49 +00:00
# now reboot
2020-06-05 00:27:49 +00:00
2020-06-04 21:10:05 +00:00
# Start the same container later (persistent disk)
2020-06-05 04:11:30 +00:00
This is for when you want to run your system later.
If you don't run this you will have a new image every time.
2020-09-20 08:49:12 +00:00
# look at your recent containers and copy the CONTAINER ID
docker ps --all
2020-06-04 21:10:05 +00:00
# docker start the container ID
docker start abc123xyz567
2020-06-05 03:49:15 +00:00
# if you have many containers, you can try automate it with filters like this
# docker ps --all --filter "ancestor=sickcodes/docker-osx"
# for locally tagged/built containers
# docker ps --all --filter "ancestor=docker-osx"
2020-06-05 03:49:15 +00:00
2020-06-04 18:31:47 +00:00
2020-06-04 20:25:29 +00:00
# Additional Boot Instructions
2020-09-20 08:49:12 +00:00
- Boot the macOS Base System
2020-06-04 20:25:29 +00:00
2020-09-20 08:49:12 +00:00
- Click Disk Utility
2020-06-04 20:25:29 +00:00
2020-09-20 08:49:12 +00:00
- Erase the BIGGEST disk (around 200gb default), DO NOT MODIFY THE SMALLER DISKS.
2020-06-04 20:25:29 +00:00
2020-09-20 08:49:12 +00:00
- Click Reinstall macOS
2020-06-04 20:25:29 +00:00
2020-08-23 20:22:45 +00:00
## Creating images:
2020-09-20 08:49:12 +00:00
2020-08-23 20:22:45 +00:00
# You can create an image of a already configured and setup container. This allows you to effectively duplicate a system.
# To do this, run the following commands
2020-09-20 08:49:12 +00:00
docker ps --all #make note of your container id
docker commit containerID newImageName
2020-08-23 20:22:45 +00:00
# To run this image do the following
2020-09-20 09:31:44 +00:00
docker run --device /dev/kvm --device /dev/snd -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix newImageName
2020-08-23 20:22:45 +00:00
2020-06-05 01:39:15 +00:00
# Troubleshooting
2020-06-05 18:41:37 +00:00
libgtk permissions denied error, thanks @raoulh + @arsham
2020-09-20 08:49:12 +00:00
2020-06-05 18:41:37 +00:00
sudo pacman -S xorg-xhost
sudo apt install x11-xserver-utils
sudo yum install xorg-x11-server-utils
2020-06-05 12:53:19 +00:00
# then run
xhost +
2020-06-05 03:49:15 +00:00
2020-09-20 09:31:44 +00:00
docker run --device /dev/kvm --device /dev/snd -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix sickcodes/docker-osx ./
2020-06-05 03:49:15 +00:00
PulseAudio for sound (note neither [AppleALC]( and varying [`alcid`]( or [VoodooHDA-OC]( have [codec support]( though [IORegistryExplorer]( does show the controller component working):
docker run --device /dev/kvm -e AUDIO_DRIVER=pa,server=unix:/tmp/pulseaudio.socket -v /run/user/$(id -u)/pulse/native:/tmp/pulseaudio.socket -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix sickcodes/docker-osx
PulseAudio debugging:
docker run --device /dev/kvm -e AUDIO_DRIVER=pa,server=unix:/tmp/pulseaudio.socket -v /run/user/$(id -u)/pulse/native:/tmp/pulseaudio.socket -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -e PULSE_SERVER=unix:/tmp/pulseaudio.socket sickcodes/docker-osx pactl list
2020-06-05 04:11:30 +00:00
Alternative run, thanks @roryrjb
2020-09-20 08:49:12 +00:00
docker run --privileged --net host --cap-add=ALL -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v /dev:/dev -v /lib/modules:/lib/modules sickcodes/docker-osx
2020-06-05 04:11:30 +00:00
2020-06-05 01:39:15 +00:00
Check if your hardware virt is on
2020-09-20 08:49:12 +00:00
egrep -c '(svm|vmx)' /proc/cpuinfo
2020-06-05 01:39:15 +00:00
Try adding yourself to the docker group
2020-09-20 08:49:12 +00:00
sudo usermod -aG docker "${USER}"
2020-06-05 01:39:15 +00:00
Turn on docker daemon
2020-09-20 08:49:12 +00:00
sudo dockerd
# or daemonize it
sudo nohup dockerd &
2020-06-04 21:42:21 +00:00
If you don't have Docker already
2020-09-20 08:49:12 +00:00
2020-06-04 21:42:21 +00:00
### Arch (pacman version isn't right at time of writing)
2020-09-20 08:49:12 +00:00
tar -xzvf docker-19.03.5.tgz
2020-06-04 21:42:21 +00:00
sudo cp docker/* /usr/bin/
sudo groupadd docker
2020-09-20 08:49:12 +00:00
sudo usermod -aG docker "${USER}"
2020-06-04 21:42:21 +00:00
### Ubuntu
apt-get remove docker docker-engine containerd runc -y
apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg-agent software-properties-common -y
2020-09-20 08:49:12 +00:00
curl -fsSL | apt-key add -
2020-06-04 21:42:21 +00:00
apt-key fingerprint 0EBFCD88
add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
apt-get update -y
apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli -y
2020-06-05 01:39:15 +00:00
sudo groupadd docker
2020-09-20 08:49:12 +00:00
sudo usermod -aG docker "${USER}"
2020-06-04 21:42:21 +00:00
If you have no internet connectivity from the VM, you are using bridge
networking, and you are running Fedora:
2020-09-20 08:49:12 +00:00
# Set the docker0 bridge to the trusted zone
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=trusted --add-interface=docker0
sudo firewall-cmd --reload
2020-09-20 08:49:12 +00:00
# Backup the disk (Where's my disk?)
2020-06-04 21:23:16 +00:00
2020-09-20 08:49:12 +00:00
You can use `docker cp`
2020-06-04 21:23:16 +00:00
2020-09-20 08:49:12 +00:00
# docker copy your image OUT of your container (warning, double disk space)
docker cp oldcontainerid:/home/arch/OSX-KVM/mac_hdd_ng.img .
2020-06-04 21:23:16 +00:00
2020-09-20 08:49:12 +00:00
Or if you lost your container, find it with this:
2020-06-15 13:07:37 +00:00
# fast way
sudo find /var/lib/docker -size +10G | grep mac_hdd_ng.img
2020-09-20 08:49:12 +00:00
# you can move (mv) it somewhere
sudo mv somedir/mac_hdd_ng.img .
2020-06-04 21:23:16 +00:00
2020-09-20 08:49:12 +00:00
# start a new container
# get the new container id
docker ps
2020-06-04 21:23:16 +00:00
2020-09-20 08:49:12 +00:00
# docker cp INTO new container
docker cp ./mac_hdd_ng.img newcontainerid:/home/arch/OSX-KVM/mac_hdd_ng.img
2020-06-04 21:23:16 +00:00
2020-09-20 08:49:12 +00:00
# DESTROY: Wipe old images
2020-06-04 21:23:16 +00:00
2020-09-20 08:49:12 +00:00
2020-06-04 21:10:05 +00:00
# WARNING deletes all old images, but saves disk space if you make too many containers
2020-09-20 08:49:12 +00:00
# The following command will make your containers RIP
2020-06-04 21:10:05 +00:00
docker system prune --all
docker image prune --all
2020-09-20 08:49:12 +00:00
2020-06-04 18:31:47 +00:00
This Dockerfile automates the installation of OSX-KVM inside a docker container.
It will build a Catalina Disk with up to 200GB of space.
2020-06-04 18:31:47 +00:00
You can change the size and version using build arguments (see below).
This file builds on top of the work done by Dhiru Kholia and many others on the OSX-KVM project.
2020-06-04 18:31:47 +00:00
# Custom Build
2020-09-20 08:49:12 +00:00
2020-06-04 18:31:47 +00:00
docker build -t docker-osx:latest \
--build-arg VERSION=10.14.6 \
--build-arg SIZE=200G
2020-09-20 08:49:12 +00:00
2020-06-04 18:31:47 +00:00
2020-09-20 08:49:12 +00:00
docker run \
-e RAM=4 \
-e SMP=4 \
-e CORES=4 \
-e EXTRA='-usb -device usb-host,hostbus=1,hostaddr=8' \
2020-09-20 09:31:44 +00:00
--device /dev/kvm --device /dev/snd -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix docker-osx:latest
2020-06-04 18:31:47 +00:00
## What is `${DISPLAY:-:0.0}`?
`$DISPLAY` is the shell variable that refers to your X11 display server.
`${DISPLAY}` is the same, but allows you to join variables like this:
- e.g. `${DISPLAY}_${DISPLAY}` would print `:0.0_:0.0`
- e.g. `$DISPLAY_$DISPLAY` would print `:0.0`
...because `$DISPLAY_` is not `$DISPLAY`
`${variable:-fallback}` allows you to set a "fallback" variable to be substituted if `$variable` is not set.
You can also use `${variable:=fallback}` to set that variable (in your current terminal).
In Docker-OSX, we assume, `:0.0` is your default `$DISPLAY` variable.
You can see what yours is
Hence, `${DISPLAY:-:0.0}` will use whatever variable your X11 server has set for you, else `:0.0`
2020-06-04 18:31:47 +00:00
## Todo:
2020-09-20 08:49:12 +00:00
- GPU Acceleration (Hackintosh? Passthru bus id of cards? AMD Vega? Nvidia-SMI?)
- Virt-manager
2020-06-05 12:53:19 +00:00